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Jesus Revolution Baptism Sets Record Breaking Crowd At Pirates Cove

Thousands of people gathered along the seawall of the historic Pirates Cove on July 8th, waiting for their turn to be baptized. Pastor Laurie spoke to the crowd about the importance of baptism, explaining that it symbolizes leaving behind the old self and starting a new life in Christ. He was amazed at the turnout, with around 4,000 plus people signed up to be baptized that day. Throughout the day, the number of participants continued to grow.

In June, Pirates Cove Beach hosted one of the largest water baptism events in history, with approximately 4,100 people gathering for the occasion. However, this recent event surpassed that record, with Pastor Laurie and other leaders from Harvest Christian Fellowship baptizing 4,500 individuals. This broke the previous record set by Oceans Church.

The event, inspired by the message of the film "Jesus Revolution," brought together thousands of people from across the United States and around the world at the legendary Pirates Cove in Newport Beach, California. Pastor Laurie, who himself was baptized at this location fifty years ago and found his salvation through the "Jesus Revolution" film, was astounded by the turnout. The baptism event was organized by Senior Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship. Newport Beach Mayor Will O'neill, praised the gathering for uniting the community and adding a sense of purity to the local body of water. He hailed the event as "incredible".

For those interested in upcoming baptisms at Pirates Cove or planning a visit to this special Christian iconic location in Corona Del Mar, California, there is now an official visitor website with calendar of upcoming baptisms, directions, rules of the beach park, lodging, restaurants and local attractions. Visit for more details.

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